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Toolkits and online training


Citizens Engagement


Toolbox capacity building for NGOs







United Nations (2007), Civil Engagement in Public Policies Tool kit. New York, DESA






United Nations (2011), Guidelines for Citizens’ Engagement for Development Management and Public Governance, DESA.







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Assessing the Quality of Democracy: A Practical Guide, IDEA International, 2008

Elections and Parliamentary Effectiveness

Bungeni 2.0


Bungeni 2.0 is a Parliamentary and Legislative Information System that aims at making Parliaments more open and accessible to citizens. Bungeni is a collaborative software development initiative based on open standards, AKOMA NTOSO ( and open source applications that provides a leading solution for drafting, managing, consolidating and publishing legislative and other parliamentary documents.

Bungeni is an initiative of "Africa i-Parliament Action Plan" ( a programme of UN/DESA















The International IDEA handbook of electoral system design, 1997













Transparency, Accountability and Anti-corruption – General and specific


Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative Handbook

“This handbook gives decision-makers practical tools and recommendations to help them lead their countries towards reform. The handbook draws upon the past three years of experience working with this sector, with contributions from more than twenty countries around the globe.” 







Corruption Risk Assessment Topic Guide




“Corruption risk assessment is a (diagnostic) tool which seeks to identify weaknesses within a system which may present opportunities for corruption to occur. It differs from many other corruption assessment tools in that it focuses on the potential for - rather than the perception, existence or extent of - corruption.”




Tools for assessing Corruption and Integrity in Institutions (USAID)






“This handbook is designed to help USAID Mission staff to assess institutional integrity at the micro-level. It guides the user through five steps to identify and select integrity failures and vulnerabilities.”






How to note on addressing Corruption in the Health Sector (DFID)




“The main purpose of this note is to provide practical guidance on how to identify and prevent corruption in the health sector. Specifically it: (1) explains what corruption is and the different forms it can take in the health sector; (2) identifies vulnerabilities to corruption and mitigating strategies; (3) presents instruments to identify and track corruption in health; and (4) suggests ways to integrate anti-corruption approaches into health sector programmes.”




Deterring Corruption and improving Governenace in the Urban Water and Sanitation Sector (WB)


“This sourcebook is part of a broader program of work on governance and corruption in the water supply and sanitation sector. The Sourcebook is meant as a resource to assist water and sanitation sector practitioners to assess the extent and risks of corruption.”








Components of Integrity: data and benchmarks for tracking trends in Government (OECD)





“The main aim of this document is to help governments better assess the implementation and impact of policies and measures in the public sector. It provides evidence-based comparative information on measures for fostering integrity and resistance to corruption in public organizations.”




Improving Transparency, Integrity, and Accountability in Water supply and Sanitation (WBI & TI)




“Module 2 of this manual presents a set of tools and indicators for diagnosing corruption in the Water and Sanitation Sector. It distinguishes between: (1) external diagnostic tools which seek to collect information from utility’s customers and suppliers as well as from civil society and the business community in general, and (2) internal diagnostic tools which are concerned primarily with the organization’s own policies, procedures, and incentives that present opportunities for and occurrences of corruption.”




Assessing constraints on Service Delivery (WB)


“This toolkit is designed to assess constraints on frontline service delivery performance in decentralized settings.  It helps locate the sources of constraints within districts and at higher levels of government. In addition, it diagnoses the degree to which poor performance is rooted in constraints on policymaking, resource flows, delivery, and accountability. Its ultimate goal is to help define reform strategies and identify points of entry that will produce tangible improvements in frontline performance and development impact.”




Education Risk Assessment Guidance Note (ADB)


“This Guidance Note is part of a series of notes for priority sectors and subsectors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It offers a framework for mapping governance risks to inform the preparation of country partnership strategies. The framework covers institutional aspects (policy, legal framework, and regulation); organizational aspects (planning, financial management, procurement, and human resources); and sector operations.”  It should be read in conjunction with the Guidelines for Implementing ADB’s Second Governance and Anticorruption Action Plan (GACAP II).






Education, Health and Water Topic Guide




“We define corruption assessment in basic services as those tools and methods which aim to diagnose corruption and/or corruption risks in the delivery of education, health and water and sanitation services.”



Ethics, Transparency and Accountability



Unpan Tools on Ethics, Transparency and Accountability








UNPAN Online Training In Public Administration  (Please click on the picture below then on E.Learning Center - Free of charge)









Monitoring & Evaluation


United Nations Development Group (UNDG)


The UNDG Toolkit was created for improved functioning of the UN development system at the country level. It provides a comprehensive structure to support countries in planning and implementing the change effort required to improve development impact and increase efficiency of the UN development system. It is a repository of the guidance, lessons learned and tools deriving from the experiences of the eight “Delivering as One” pilot countries, and from the experiences of UN Country Teams (UNCTs) that have pursued efforts to become more coherent.

The Toolkit also contains the existing UNDG guidance on programmes (such as the revised UNDAF Guidelines) and operations (such as those related to Common Services). It should serve as a comprehensive resource to support countries in their efforts towards an integrated programme and operations approach in the development of the UNDAF and UNDAF Action plan towards greater coherence of the UN development system at the country level.

© 2013 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

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