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Ten tools are availble in Plane III



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Plane III Toolset

Tool 3.1.1. PA Strategic Guideposts

Tool 3.1.1. PA Strategic Guideposts

Tool 3.1.1. These 'Guideposts of National Governance and Public Administration Strategy' outline ten (10) key parameters crosscutting with four interconnected governance factors where leadership is at the center in close connection with people working together further to public administration and governance strategy with a great impact of national culture, international community and communication networks as well.

Tool 3.1.2 Focus Areas Prioritizing

Tool 3.1.2 Focus Areas Prioritizing

Tool 3.1.2. is a template showing how to proceed to prioritize public administration focus areas. There is a need for validated criteria along with their relative importance (weighted from 1 to 10). This embraces also how to determine core policies of public administration.

Tool 3.1.3 Priority Focus Areas

Tool 3.1.3 Priority Focus Areas

Tool 3.1.3. highlights strategic guideposts that have been determined as priority with regard to National Governance and Public Administration Strategy.

Public Sector Constituents

Public Sector Constituents

Tool 3.2.1. displays a sound alignment of Public Sector Constituents showing how they link each other based on their interdependence and their logical groupings. Three visible columns make the major groupings or pillars enabling public sector institutions to function harmoniously.

Tool 3.2.2 Connected Governance

Tool 3.2.2 Connected Governance

Tool 3.2.2. 'Connected Governance' illustrates how connected governance is aimed at improving cooperation between government agencies while deepening consultations and engagement with citizens, and engendering greater involvement of multi-stakeholders at regional and international levels. This concept is also a foundation of a systematic approach for information and data collection, sharing, utilization and cross-checking.

Citizens'Engagement & Contribution

Citizens'Engagement & Contribution

Tool 3.2.3. 'Citizen’s Engagement and Contribution' outlines different ways and levels of citizen engagement. It addresses how citizens can be engaged along their fields of contribution for public administration reconstruction.

Citizens Engagement through ICTs

Citizens Engagement through ICTs

Tool 3.2.3. Citizen Engagement and Connected Governance through ICTs illustrates how ICT can be used to facilitate citizen engagement for decision making and their participation to address public sector governance and management issues.

Tool 3.3.1. Seven Steps Approach

Tool 3.3.1. Seven Steps Approach

Tool 3.3.1.'Seven Steps Approach' represents a process to develop a ' PAR Road Map' as a national strategic program for reconstructing Public Administration. This tool illustrates a ‘seven steps to be followed by all the actors and stakeholders to achieve a national programme for reconstructing public administration as a road map.

Road Map Matrix Illustration

Road Map Matrix Illustration

Tool 3.3.2. Illustration of Road Map Matrix for Public Administration Reconstruction is an example where priority focus areas are structured against the seven (7) priority factors as mentioned in the PAR Master diagram. The road map identifies priority focus areas as well as the relevant systems to address those focus areas. This is only a sample, knowing that in each post-conflict country, priority focus areas may differ.

PAR Road Map Configuration

PAR Road Map Configuration

Tool 3.3.3. 'Public Administration Reconstruction – Road Map Configuration' incorporates a timeline to the road map configuration by addressing priority focus areas against to priority actions at the appropriate time. Policy makers or other users of this tool will need to determine when the priority actions should take place, taking into consideration the overall timeline.

© 2013 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

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