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Toolset of Question 3


Tool 2.3.1 - From vision to practice

Tool 2.3.1 - From vision to practice

Tool 2.3.1 shows the interdependent correlation derived from the principles and the expectations contained in the vision that determines the five management areas to be reviewed in a more systematic and consistent manner in view to generate responsive action in public sector established institutions (Laws, Missions, Institutions, Policies, and Functions)...

Institutional Arrangement System

Institutional Arrangement System

Tool 2.3.2. indicates the overall system to arrange public administration institutions. The constitutional architecture, as well as the institutional set up for each public sector organization and its institutional inter-relationships should be determined and shaped further to the basic principles and values enshrined in the constitution from shared vision. It delineates not only institutional arrangements but also the distribution of powers and their related mandates.


Two tools have found more inspiring when answering the question 'How to Translate a Shared vision into Practice?' 


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