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Public administration is an instrument for the State to take action. Therefore after conflict the missions of the State should be clearly stipulated and understood by all actors and stakeholders. Public administration will be working to accomplish these missions. It cannot accomplish them if they are not well stipulated and in line with the vision and aspirations of the people as expressed in the shared vision, mission and objectives of government.


When the missions of the State are elaborated through a transparent process that engages the population, it becomes easy to agree on what Government (public administration) should focus on, what the civil society should work on to reinforce government action, what the private sector should embark on in terms of investment, growth and job creation and what all the sectors can do together in a coordinated manner complementing each other with no overlapping.

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3.2 Vision throughout Public Sector Institutions

Institutional Arrangement System

Institutional Arrangement System

Tool 2.3.2. indicates the overall system governing the arrangement of public administration institutions. The constitutional architecture, as well as the institutional set up for each public sector organization and its institutional inter-relationships should be determined and shaped by the basic principles and values enshrined in the constitution according to shared vision. It delineates public sector institutional arrangements including the distribution of the powers and related mandates.

© 2013 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

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