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Reconstructing public administration (or any post conflict reconstruction for that matter) is a challenging and daunting task as most countries that have undergone post conflict reconstruction can testify. However, irrespective of the challenges, difficulties, and obstacles involved, the after math of conflict provides a unique opportunity for the country to put in place an altogether new, better, effective and pro-people public administration that avoids the mistakes of the past  and taps into the potential for a brighter future for the country. The world is full of examples of countries that have emerged out of violent conflict to become highly developed or better off than they had been in the past (e.g Germany and Japan). Even in recent times countries such as South Africa, Rwanda, and Uganda in Africa emerged out of conflict to build better performing public administration systems. 


In the context of huge and seemingly insurmountable challenges in a post conflict situation, the word “opportunity” would seem oddly out of place and, indeed, it is seldom found in the literature on crisis management in general. In fact this is a general mistake made by most people involved in post conflict reconstruction. When a house burns down, it provides the opportunity to design a better one that can withstand fire or that at least respects the guidelines against fire. Likewise in post conflict reconstruction, even if the challenges are great there are also great opportunities; opportunities to create a better and more just society, opportunities to improve governance and public administration institutions, opportunities to build a better nation for all. How the reconstruction of public institutions and service delivery is re-engineered will impact on the transition to peace and development, and the attainment of a better future for the country. Opportunity should be the spirit that guides post-conflict reconstruction; a process that it is hoped this Tool-kit supports.



© 2013 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

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