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5.2 Areas of Public Administration transformation

The difference between the past and the future must be clear at the stage of visioning. Each situation provides different opportunities and imperatives for innovation. The facilitator of the visioning process needs to always challenge the various stakeholders and actors whether they are nationals or foreigners involved in the reconstruction process to discuss and answer the question: If this is the vision of our future, what innovations in public administration do we need to put in place to ensure successful implementation of the vision?


In fact this is not only a challenge to the people of the country but most importantly to the experts providing advise who most naturally tend to reproduce their knowledge in public administration convinced that what they know is what will work. Innovative reconstruction of public administration in a post conflict country goes beyond what has been documented in public administration text books and experiences elsewhere. It requires answers that are tailored to the specific situation: answers that will fit in reconstruction, reform, and transformation. From experiences, apart from institutions, organisations and Human resource management, many post conflict situations have given innovative practices in the areas presented in the diagram II.4 bellow that can be given as examples not for replication but as illustration through distilled answers to the question.

Key Areas for P.A. Transformation

Key Areas for P.A. Transformation

Tool 2.5.1.shows key areas to take into consideration when revisiting the missions of the State and of Public Administration. Working through these areas will ground roots for innovations.

© 2013 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

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