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2.2  Vision into context

Tool 2.2.2 Public Administration Vision into context


Public administration vision once developed should be transformed to reality. It first starts out by specifying the public administration missions and core functions pertaining to the context of a given country.  With the missions and their related areas or fields of work in mind, one will need to formulate clear public policies guiding to appropriate provision of services to people. These policy frameworks should cover all aspects affecting development challenges and people needs further to governance structure and rule of law based on legislation in force that guarantee the implementation of the shared vision.

To turn vision into reality, the adoption of missions and core focus areas are not enough without accurate institutional arrangement and development of public sector organisations, including a capable professional civil service made of trustworthy qualified human resources. Considering that a public administration vision is closely interconnected to a country’s context, with some influences from global and regional arenas, this will never be realised if there is not sufficient and efficient personnel and human capacity to oversee, implement, and sustain the performance of new institutions. Human resources management is therefore playing a critical role in this implementation process. It goes beyond the recruitment practices and setting the right job profiles for work to be done efficiently; it also addresses the need for training and capacity development as well as setting forth competencies and expected performance indicators amongst civil servants and public sector staff. Professionalism and integrity, being a few of human resources requirements to be highly competent, become crucial in order for the public administration vision to be fully set into context. 

P.A. - Vision into Context

P.A. - Vision into Context

This tool illustrates that the Public Administration vision should always be put into its right context considering what is going on at international (global and regional) and national arenas. The content of Public Administration vision should be consistent with (i) missions to be set up in connection to institutional arrangements as decided, and with (ii) the policies to be formulated bearing in mind the sound structural organization of civil service as well as Human Resource Management.

© 2013 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

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