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In addition to conducting the diagnostic analysis of the socio-politico-economic history of the country, the environment in which the public administration system is operating must be analyzed. Actors involved in the process must scan the environment to assess the positive and negative forces at the local, national, regional and international levels that may either support their efforts of reconstruction or hinder them. Analysing the

environment will also reveal and provide an understanding of the challenges that public administration must address. The magnitude and complexity of the tasks that the public administration system will have to address are found in the environment. It is not advisable to design the reconstruction of the public administration systems before the issues and challenges it has to deal with are clearly understood. The environment needs to be analysed in its political aspects, social /cultural aspects, economic aspects, and physical aspects (see below for Tool The main question should always be: what aspects of the environment provide opportunities for reconstructing the country and which ones pose challenges? What should be done to tap the opportunities and overcome the challenges? [Read more]


Several factors are critical to building an enabling environment for innovation. They include:

Enabling Factors for Innovation:


1. Strong and effective leadership

2. Organizational culture supportive to innovation

3. Careful testing, planning, and evaluation

4. Promotion of partnerships and collaborative processes

5. Shared vision and measurable outcomes

6. Citizens’ engagement and active participation

7. Commitment to learning in public sector as lever for change

8. Open communication among stakeholders

9. Resources availability is not always necessary

Two tools are available. Please use the arrows or click on each of them to enlage and learn more. 

III. How to Develop a Framework for the  Diagnostic Analysis of the Situation?

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3.3 Understanding the Environment

Tool 1.3.2

Tool 1.3.2

This tool highlights the importance of analyzing past forms of governance, social and demographic characteristics of a country, economic level of development, as well as natural resources available.

Tool 1.3.3

Tool 1.3.3

This tool identifies how governance and type of government may vary between different countries, by considering political, physical, economic, and environmental dimensions.

© 2013 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

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